Monday, May 25, 2009

3-Year-Old Friendly Fruit Salad

Ivy LOVES this recipe for fruit salad. It can be made with any different ingredients, but I've found that the ingredients Ivy and I used today work great for her and her friends. It can also be made with any different amount of the fruits, that's why I didn't include any measurements.

• Cantaloupe
• 3 different Mott's Fruit Cups
• Fresh Cherries (not marachino, no matter what the littles say, they're pure sugar, and not very healthy!)
• Crisp and juicy watermelon
• Bananas
• Mangoes

1.) Cut each fruit (not the fuit cups, we'll get to them later) into small pieces, but not so small you can't tell the difference between the pieces, or else the kids will start to be mad. To peel the cantaloupe and mangoes, just put the knife slightly underneath the skin and then bring it back, peeling the skin in the process.

2.) Open the fruit cups very slightly, just enough for them to drain out their juices, and then pour them into the salad bowl.

3.) Mix it all up. Let the kids each have a turn mixing it, then they are more open to eat the salad. 

4.) Enjoy!

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